CLICK HERE TO VIEW SELECTION OF PRINTS Otto Lange (1879-1944) Otto Lange spent most of his life in Dresden. He received his vocation training at the Kunstgewerbeschule Akademie Dresden from 1915-19. In 1919, he was one of the original founding members of the Dresden Sezession: Gruppe 1919 along with Conrad Felixmüller and Otto Dix. Their expresionist journal, Menschen, first aim was "the expression of poets, writers, painters, and musicians for whom the arts were a means to change man".In 1925, he became a professor at the Staatliche Kunstschule für Textilindustrie in Plauen. He traveled extensively to Austria, Italy, Yugoslavia, France, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland whose landscapes became a source of inspiration for his art. He was particularly interested in the woodcut and color woodcut medium as well as monotypes. He also created a large number of outstanding posters. |